dimanche 15 janvier 2012

Dating: It's Not Easy!!

I wasn't sure if I should post this or not because my dating life is a big mess and it's kind of hard to tell those personal and embarrassing stories but  I firmly believe that or past experiences make us who we are and I thought it was important that if I talk about dating and relationships, you should know some of my past experiences to understand me better and why I think a certain way or believe in certain things. Usually, my relationships are very similar... I date men with big issues and difficult pasts. It's like I'm a magnet for that kind of men! So here are some examples of my past relationships, one of my boyfriend cheated on me with strippers (his uncle owned the bar and the girls was his present), I got dumped by a guy who got another girl pregnant before I was with him (it was a one night stand) and she told him it was his child when she was three months pregnant and he wanted to do the right thing for the baby by trying to be in a real relationship with the mother. Eventually he came back to me because he didn't love her but didn't have the guts to leave. Then, a terrible thing happened, the baby died at birth. At that time, the other women lived with him and he didn't want to leave her so soon after the death of their son and I understood that. But after a few months, he confessed she was pregnant again... So I left him. Afterwords, I met someone else and after four months  he told me that his heart was so broken because of his past girlfriends that he couldn't bare to be in an other relationship. One week later he was in a relationship, two months later she was living in his house and 9 months later they were engaged... Then there was this guy I was seeing  for a year and a half,  it was a long distance relationship and let me tell you, it was hard. I really loved him and we were  happy when we were together and everything felt so easy when he was with me, but he was afraid of commitment due to his difficult childhood. We tried to stop seeing each other four times but we kept coming back. I broke it off a month ago because I was  tired of running in circles. Recently, I met a guy at work and at first he seemed nice, but the more I learned about him the more he freaked me out. He used to be a drug addict, two girls at work complained about him because he was touching them inappropriately, it seems he likes to pick fights for no reason and the list of wrong things with him keeps getting longer. I'm only twenty five and had my share of disastrous relationships and I do believe that people can find true love but I also know that some don't and honestly, it doesn't matter because either way, the important thing is to  be happy. You don't have to be in a relationship to achieve that, you just have to do what you love to do! I'm not saying being in a relationship is a bad thing, but it's definitely not a good thing if it makes you unhappy all the time. I'm not closing the door on the whole dating thing, but for now, being single has never sounded better!

Nina xx

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